As we step into 2025 and having recovered from our Christmas party, the team would like to wish everyone a Happy and Healthy year ahead. Our priority, as always will be Safety as we continue to entertain airshow enthusiasts throughout the forthcoming season.
Some of you may be aware that during the latter part of 2024 we managed to secure access to a few more aircraft, once fully certified we hope these will serve to prolong yet further the legacy of the Gazelle helicopter. In addition we also have a new hangar in which to house them, so team headquarters has been a busy place over recent months.
2024 was without doubt our busiest year yet despite a very slow start. We displayed at a dozen or so airshows across England, Scotland and Wales plus a handful of static displays and charity events. Display organisers continue to face a raft of challenges and their obligations to satisfying regulations and financial pressures are ever-present.
Our Lynx project is still on track and slowly edging closer to completion despite the arrival of the new Gazelles pushing it back a little. Importantly we envisage no significant hurdles in fulfilling the project and are increasingly confident that XZ 678 will take to the skies once more, albeit slightly later than we had initially hoped.
Our 2025 calendar is empty, the next few months will hopefully see it filling whilst we continue to work towards fulfilling our regulatory (CAA) obligations and of course prepare the aircraft in preparation for another safe and successful season.