Hello 2025!

Gazzelles in a hangar

As we step into 2025 and having recovered from our Christmas party, the team would like to wish everyone a Happy and Healthy year ahead.  Our priority, as always will be Safety as we continue to entertain airshow enthusiasts throughout the forthcoming season.

Some of you may be aware that during the latter part of 2024 we managed to secure access to a few more aircraft,  once fully certified we hope these will serve to prolong yet further the legacy of the Gazelle helicopter. In addition we also have a new hangar in which to house them,  so team headquarters has been a busy place over recent months.

2024 was without doubt our busiest year yet despite a very slow start. We displayed at a dozen or so airshows across England, Scotland and Wales plus a handful of static displays and charity events.  Display organisers continue to face a raft of challenges and their obligations to satisfying regulations and financial pressures are ever-present. XZ678 in a hangar

Our Lynx project is still on track and slowly edging closer to completion despite the arrival of the new Gazelles pushing it back a little. Importantly we envisage no significant hurdles in fulfilling the project and are increasingly confident that XZ 678 will take to the skies once more, albeit slightly later than we had initially hoped.

Our 2025 calendar is empty, the next few months will hopefully see it filling whilst we continue to work towards fulfilling our regulatory (CAA) obligations and of course prepare the aircraft in preparation for another safe and successful season.   




Naomi House & Jack's Place.

Santa-Naomi-HouseSince 2012, if not earlier, The Gazelle Squadron Display Team has supported Naomi House & Jack's Place, a Childrens Hospice in Hampshire. We raise funds via collections tins at our static events and of course we fly The Easter Bunny and Father Christmas in to visit the children. 

On 14th December we will once again be flying Father Christmas in with a sack-full of gifts for the children and once again Bruce and Paul, the Owners of the Display Team will be donating presents for Father Christmas to give to the Children. 

Please can we ask that you consider joining us in supporting them by either donating via their website, or if you prefer you can deliver any presents you may wish to donate to The Gazelle Squadron HQ at Landmead Airstrip before the 14th December.  Alternatively please visit Naomi House's website, read a few of the testimonials of the essential work that they do and please consider donating.



Our Busiest Year !

a sky full of aircraft

It's been a very busy year for us so far, made even busier by a number of late confirmations into our show calendar, namely Bournemouth and Ayr, we remain busy from late August through until the end of September, with Longleat and Abingdon finishing off our 2024 show season.

In addition we have an intensive display training and assesment programme in the next few weeks, which, if succesful will secure additional airborne Flight Diplay Director (AFDD) qualificatons for us, these will broaden our capacity to provide self administered aerial displays at private events.  

Our aircraft continue to perform well with terrific serviceability rates - testimony to the skill and endeavour of our engineers. 

Finally, we have to tip our hat to Airbox Systems, who, for many years have provided us with unrestricted access to their RunwayHD flight planning software and the news of the product's retirement has been met with heavy-hearts throughout the Team.

We would like to publically thank Airbox Systems for their past support and wish them every success for the future.


A Flying Start


We're enjoying a terrific start to the 2024 season with excursions to Shuttleworth and RAF Cosford. Sadly the Abingdon show organisers were obliged to postpone due to late issues with the MOD  who are the Landowners. It has now been rescheduled to 21st September 2024.

In addition we've added a few new members to the Squadron, who will undoubtedly enhance our offering to the UK Airshow scene. 

Late (confirmation) events include Wallop Wheels and Wings, organised by the Museum of Army Flying which will see a number of us back in Hampshire for the day enjoying some nostalgia.

Additionally we've agreed to fly ZB-627 into RAF Odiham for a static display on their families day. Historians amongst you may know that ZB-627 spent much of her life at Odiham as an (NVG) route reconnaissance aircraft for 7 Sqn RAF when conducting sorties on Night Vision Goggles (NVG), she featured a unique green livery, which she now sports once again. (As shown)


The reception we receive from or display audiences is truly humbling and our displays clearly invoke many fond memories amongst those that have been blessed to work with this wonderful aircraft in previous decades. 

It's clear that they appreciate our efforts and the very many messages of support on social media are hugely appreciated.     

Our Lynx renovation project (XZ-678) is progressing nicely...